Rodan + Fields is currently the 4th largest premium skincare company in the U.S., brought to you by the same doctors who created Proactiv. All products are FDA and PETA approved, clinically tried, and come with a 60-day, empty-bottle money-back guarantee so you have nothing to lose.... except your wrinkles or sun damage or acne or sensitive skin! Follow me on Facebook to see before and after pictures and all the success people are having with these incredible products. To find out what's best for your concerns, take the Solution Tool on my website....

Q. How long do the products last?
A. All products are packaged to last at least 2 months using them twice a day, which makes them cost less than a cup of Starbucks a day. I'd MUCH rather have the best skin of my life than a cup of coffee. How about you??

Q. What regimen or products are best for me?
A. Take the Solution Tool (a quick consultation) at the bottom right of my website and get the doctors' recommendation for your concerns.

Q. Do you really make money as a consultant?
A. I REALLY do!! On top of the fact that I am getting these awesome products at a 25% discount. And I'm going to share them with the world anyway (don't we always recommend incredible products we use to friends and family...and sometimes complete strangers?) so why not get paid to share?!

Q. How can I find out more about the products and the company?
A. Contact ME and I will be happy to answer any questions/concerns you may have. I'm an open book!

Q. How can I save 10% and get free shipping?
A. All you have to do is sign up as a PC (Preferred Customer) on my website, make a purchase of $80 or more, pay a one-time enrollment fee of $19.95 and you are on your way to saving money!

Q. How can I join your team as a consultant?
A. Contact me and I can walk you through signing up on my business site,


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